Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hair off

The losing battle against stress. Whenever I return from any trip abroad, it starts creeping in slowly, quietly. You are calm and happy, rested and cheerful, but after a few days small things start irritating you, and before you know it, you start worrying about anything and everything. Job, house, car, women, phone bills, dental appointments, taxes, credit cards, women, health insurance, lack of exervcise, weather, women, friendships, what people think of you, what you think of people, women - you shrug it all off at first, but like little evil creatures, worries never give up and seem to multiply.

But come to think of it, the environment we live in does not really give outlet to any release of stress. Everybody is pretending to be ultra-pleasant and happy all the time. People don't talk about what bothers them - it's considered complaining, and complaining is bad and generally faux pas. Everybody is facing life with their best poker face until one by one they break down under the weight of troubles, which as we all know, tend to come in packs. And when they do break down, they have nobody to talk to except their shrink - if they are lucky enough to have one.

What good is the so-called communication if we have to constantly watch what we are saying and one of our biggest worry is how others perceive us, which leads to issues being sugar-coated, misunderstood, unsaid and ultimately unresolved and left unattended?


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