Thursday, May 18, 2006

With them, without them

One of the differences between American women and women in the rest of the world seems to be the chosen condescending attitude American ones display towards men.
Not only men are no longer respected; they are treated with suspicion and mistrust, unless they prove themselves otherwise. Presumption of guilt, if you will. You are a man – hence you are probably dishonest, a bigot, potentially a jerk, cheapskate, womanizer, sexaholic (or maybe even a serial rapist).

During the first few days or even weeks of acquaintance, women subject men to various tests, each one of which is scrutinized under microscope and endlessly discussed with her girlfriends afterwards. Where did he take you out? Did he pay for everything? Did he open the car door for you? Did he talk about his ex? Did he stare at your cleavage, which you intentionally left half-exposed as a test? Did he look at any other woman during the date? Did he kiss you goodnight? How did he kiss?

Women even openly admit that they have points system for men. When men do things women consider positive, points go up. One misstep or faux pas, and the rating goes down, and then they may just give a man another chance to “redeem” himself.

While all women in the world look out for themselves and seek out good and bad sings when meeting or befriending a guy, young American women have taken it to the point of extreme, placing themselves on the pedestal expecting every new guy to all but worship them. And why not. It was, after all, American women that indoctrinated feminism so firmly in the modern life, so surely they deserve some credit for that.

Surely their mothers, grandmothers, aunties and teachers must have been right when they told them they were the best of the best, and that any guy would be so lucky just to breathe the same air with them.

Faced with reality, where looks as well as character still matter very much to men, these women had a hard time reconciling their mother’s dithyrambs with the brutal truth, namely, that they are very average in terms of looks, and that their twisted self-absorbed personality had never had a chance to compensate for that.

Yet with enviable stubbornness, these women continue living in an arrogant illusion that they are still the best of the crop and that men should just flock to their side. Worst is,… some men do. The very men who allowed being treated like petty hooligans by women all their lives. The very men who panic about the impression they produce on women. The men who try their hardest to be “nice” and bend over backwards for a woman.

So it is no wonder that in America, women do not respect men no matter what these men do. They are, after all, the source of all evil. They are flawed by design and definition, and the fact that women agree to deal with them is a godsend gift to these pathetic souls. Because women – women can never do anything wrong. Women are the superior race, sublime breed that is best viewed on a pedestal, and only by the lucky selected few.

Even the biological clock’s a-ticking, when it gets a little louder, sometimes does not cure this self-elation of American women. And when it finally does - men, watch out! She'll no longer be drifen by selfish pride - she will finally remember all those tricks and tools of flirtation and seduction that were below then for all their young years. Few will find happinness this way, though.


Blogger Kate said...

Wow, that's pretty harsh! Do you consider Canadian women to be the same???

I think there is a constant struggle between wanting to trust men and wanting to protect yourself, as well as between believing you deserve to be treated well and counting yourself lucky that a guy pays attention to you.

I think most men are genuine, honest and caring. Unfortunately, there are a few bad apples that ruin it for the rest by degrading, humiliating and generally mistreating us.

At the same time, most women just want to be appreciated and loved, and want to believe they deserve that. But, we too have our rotten continegent. These women have become so jaded and distrusting that they constantly test and question all the men they meet, the good guys as well as the bad apples.

All we can do is try to hope for the best in people, and take it on the chin if we get the worst.

10:24 PM


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