Monday, November 27, 2006

What Am I Then?

Inspired by Miss.Elaine.Eos, I have decided to find out, how Virgo I really am. Not that much, it turns out. I've always suspected that I did not possess any of the Virgo traits that are actually useful...

You are 47% Virgo

But at least I am reassured of my roots.

Your Inner European is Russian!

Mysterious and exotic.
You've got a great balance of danger and allure.

I have also found out some other interesting things about myself. For example, I am a good driver, although I still have 30% of a feminine driver in me. I am only 60% Democrat, I should learn Japanese (and my Japanese name is Souta Kimura), my pornstar name would be Jason Jizzy, I suffer from mild depression, I act 29 years old, I should never date an Aquarius (spot on!), I am Los Angeles (not San Francisco:(, and my Russian name should be Dimitri Ilya Lebedev. Funny how I chose Dimitri as my Vegas name a couple of months ago.


Blogger Aubrey Andel said...

I'm 60% Virgo. My inner European is French: "Smart and sophisticated. You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so."

No wonder I'm addicted to the pain au chocolat and just about everything else over at Tartine Bakery on Guerrero and 18th.

1:38 AM

Blogger My Top Ten said...

I am not surprised. You are way more Virgo than I am. Did you check yourself for a Leo?

9:46 AM

Blogger miss.elaine.eos said...

This is hilarious! I'm 87% Virgo and my inner European is Irish "I can drink anyone under the table".

12:28 PM

Blogger Aubrey Andel said...

I'm 33% Leo. I shouldn't date a Pisces (I've learned my lesson), my chances of becoming a multi-millionaire is only 32%!

If I were a mixed drink I'd be a Bloody Mary (love 'em, especially the super spicy ones at Orbit Room on Market), my pimp name is Pimptress Dynamite and my porn star name is Sindee Slickbooty.

9:27 PM

Blogger sheeep said...

Ha-ha-! My inner Eurpean is Irish as I expected! And I will be duck meat if I were meat (not lamb..) Good to know I am not pig.

11:03 PM


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