Oh, Canada?
A piece of news came into my sight that completely shocked me:
It wasn't even what the US did to the poor man - it comes as no surprise that American government frequently detains and tortures innocent people - but that the Canadian authorities ASKED for the Yanks to do this.
Can Canada do anything independently of its southern neighbour?
What does this have to do with Canada doing something independantly from the good old US of A? The real problem here is the paranoia that is surrounding "terror" put on society and the blatant "soup du jour" racism against middle eastern and/or people of the Muslim faith. This is not a situation where fellow Canadians should feel proud over. However terrorism is a real problem that occurs not only in the "Land of the Bush". Unfortunatly a non-Amerocentric problem which we would like to be independant from our neighbours to the south, if there were a choice.
10:36 PM
Well, Canada did ask the US to prosecute its OWN citizen. I mean, what supposedly civilized country would do something like that?
What ever happened to Kim Campbell? I see her a lot on Bill Maher's show. She seemed like a cool Prime Minister. Or even old Jean Chretien.
1:31 AM
Jean Chretien rocked. I mean he knew all about pepper spray. :)
He was one of my favs after Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
Have a look.
8:39 PM
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